
The NEAS and Government accredited West Moreton International English Language Centre offers a High 视频露点 Preparation course that will prepare students for entry into mainstream classes in the Middle and Senior 视频露点s.

Our experienced teachers assist students to gain knowledge, skills and confidence for mainstream studies. 视频露点s are encouraged to communicate by sharing and developing ideas and knowledge.

Classroom tasks are purposeful and carefully designed to develop the language and study skills required for success in the mainstream classes. Learning in context is a basic feature of the communicative language teaching style and students learn their English using a variety of interesting materials.

Individual student needs are catered for at all levels and excursions to places of interest are organised as reinforcement of the program content. 视频露点s will also have the opportunity to interact with native English speakers on a regular basis. 视频露点s will receive advice and counselling throughout their course to help them choose appropriate subjects for mainstream studies.

Emphasis in the English language program is placed on the four-macro skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each language skill is assessed against the National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia (NLLIA) ESL Band Scales. To undertake senior classes at the College effectively, a student should be functioning at a Band Scale 5 minimum.

The High 视频露点 Preparation Course is designed for students who wish to complete their education at an Australian High 视频露点. The course comprises language skills common to all subjects (listening, oral presentations, report and essay writing), with subject specific language and study skills.

The program aims to help students acquire skills to deal with the language demands of the high school curriculum and increase subject-specific knowledge. It also helps students develop strategies that lead to independent learning, familiarises students with mainstream subject expectations and smooths the transition into mainstream study.

Acceptable English Language Assessment or MINIMUM TEST RESULT for entry into high school courses:

Acceptable Test Minimum Test Result For Entry to
Evidence of application to school work and age appropriate achievement in literacy and numeracy areas of the curriculum as well as a pass level or better for the majority of subjects.
Prep to Year 3 / Year 4 to Year 6
Academic reports NLLIA, IELTS, AEAS
NLLIA 3.0 or equivalent
High 视频露点 Preparation
NLLIA 4.0 or equivalent
Year 7 to Year 9
NLLIA 5.0 or equivalent. Minimum 5.0 in writing
Year 10
NLLIA 5.5 or equivalent. Minimum 5.5 in writing
Year 11
Pass grades or better for all subjects when transferring from another provider.
Year 12