
All overseas students are eligible for the Queensland Tertiary Entrance Statement (Provisional) and the Queensland and Curriculum Assessment Authority Senior Certificate (Provisional) at the end of Year 12, as well as the Year 10 Certificate at the end of Year 10.

Course NameCRICOS Course Code
Primary 视频露点 Studies: (Prep to Year 6) 084781D
Secondary 视频露点 Studies: (Year 7 to 10) 084782C
Senior Secondary 视频露点 Studies: (Years 11 and 12) 084783B
High 视频露点 Preparation: (10 to 40 weeks) 067386A

视频露点 progress is regularly assessed, and overseas students will be issued with academic reports at the end of each term. Assessment procedures will include written exams and tests, assignments, reports and oral presentations.

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